James Bond is Amazing

James Bond is Amazing
This actor is the best James Bond... Sean Connery

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Celebrity Apprentice Debate

Keep an open mind to both sides and please note i mean no malign towards either people just merely stating my opinion trying to start a debate.
Who do you think deserves or should win the Celebrity Apprentice?

Side One-
Annie Duke
Attributes:cold, intense, personal, angry, harsh, quick tempered, smart, resourceful
Other: she passes the blame onto others and if she wasn't on the show nobody would work with her because she doesn't treat them like human beings but like work drones.

Side Two-
Joan Rivers
Attributes: touchy (takes everything personal), kind, insensative, quick witted, funny,
Other: She is a fierce competitor and a good leader, but doesn't take enough control when handeling a team. Although she takes everything personal her resources are limitless and in the end nothing was left untended, no matter how unconventional. But in controling the conversation she makes herself look bad in turn (in my opinion only) and many people are hurt (or so it seems) and can't stop insulting people. (Keep Going Down)
All the competitors are strong contestents in the Boardroom otherwise they wouldn't have been picked for the show but it just so happened those two are the final two so the best of luck to both!


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